::Helpful Links And Information::
We have gathered and provided a number of links to helpful and informative websites that we like.
::Naming Your Cat::
Crazy for Kitties
Some More Cats
::Siamese History::
History of the Siamese Body Type
History & Legends of the Siamese Cat
::Cat Associations::
American Cat Association
American Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc.
American Association of Cat Enthusiasts
::Cat Furniture::
Creating a Cat Tree & Scratching Post
::Litter Used By Siam Moon::
::Advantages of Using NuVet::
NuVet Plus can help prolong the life of your dog and cat and can help eliminate most ailments including
* Coat Problems
*Scratching, Itching, Biting
* Hot Spots Heart Disease
* Premature Aging Low Energy levels
* Arthritis and Joint Problems
* Diabetes Liver Problems * Cataracts Tumors Digestive Problem
* Heart Disease
ACA registered FIV-FeLV negative cattery