For potential Siam Moon customers, please read and review the terms and conditions below before committing. to the adoption of one of our kittens.
::Purchasing Privileges Terms and Conditions::
We are not a pet store, rescue, shelter, or humane society and do not grant purchase privileges to just anyone with the financial means. We reserve the right to refuse sale as we are very selective in regards to the type of homes we grant purchasing privileges to. These kittens are like our babies. They come first, and foremost before any potential buyer. We take the up-most responsibility/pride in placing each and every one of them in the best possible homes.
Business will not be conducted via text message, as this is the preferred method for online scammers.
All kittens are sold as “pets only” and cannot be used for breeding purposes as stated contractually. Siam Moon does not offer stud services.
All kittens are bred, born, and raised on property
Security deposits will NOT be refunded
Security deposits will come off the price of the kitten if you choose to follow through with your purchase. Kittens must be at least 10 weeks of age or otherwise approved by myself before leaving the nursery. Kittens cannot be held on a verbal promise.

We look forward in helping you find a new furry family member!
ACA registered FIV-FeLV negative cattery